
A Survey of Western Music and Culture

from 500-1750

  HOME :: Tuesdays/Thursdays 1:00 - 2:15pm Bentley 207

Class Syllabus

Email assignments (except online quizzes) to:
Be sure to put "HWMI", the title of the assignment and your name in the subject!

Information about the Research Paper

Printable PDF Version

(Research Topic/Thesis Due October 15 ~ Outline Due December 3 ~ Paper Due December 13)

Research Paper Scoring Guide

10 minute presentations on research topic: Thursday, December 19 @ 10:30am


Link to Text Companion Website

Study Outline for Antiquity & The Middle Ages Test (October 1)

Renaissance Test Topics (November 12)

Renaissance Test Review

Introductory Listening Examples

Links to files used or referred to in class:

Ancient Greek Music!

Guido's Hand 1

Guidonian Hand 2

The Gammaut (GAMUT)

Medieval Music Timeline

Modes & Solmization

Sibelius 7 file (right click to download)


Ut Queant (syllables)


Conditor Alme (Notation and Translation)

Rhythm in Medieval Chant

Performance practice in chant (Ictus, arsis, thesis)


Conditor (Performance)


Hildegard by Anima

Hildegard by Sequentia

Puer Natus Est

Cantigas de Santa Maria

Rosas de Rosas Translation

Como Poden

Des Oge Mais 1

Des Oge Mais 2


Cantigas Manuscript Images and Translations to #1 and A l'Entrada

Medieval Dance




Istampitta Ghaetta 1


Istampitta Ghaetta 2

Kalenda Maya (Instrumental)

Kalenda Maya 1

Kalenda Maya (Vocal)

Troubadour & Trouvere Songs

Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta

Ja Nuns Hon Pris

Notation - Translation


Le Chansonet

A L'entrada 1

A L'entrada 2

Notation - Translation

Class Chants

Sibelius 7 file



Video of notation and audio F17

F19 Video

Early Polyphony- 13C

"Ars Antiqua"

Gothic Architecture

Spanish Cathedrals

Free Organum

Florid Notation

Florid Organum

Perotin-Alleluia nativitas YT

Alleluia - graphic

Perotin-Alleluia nativitas MS

2pt and 3pt conductus (starts halfway)

Conductus-Novus Miles

Novus miles 3pt score

Domino chant fragment

Clausula and Motet (Domino)


Rhythmic Modes

Modal Notation MS

14 century polyphony

Isorhythm and Mensuration

Composing with Isorhythm

Isorhythmic Motet (Machaut)

Coloration example

Heart MS

Musica Ficta

A tritone is the Devil in Music!

"Una nota supra la semper est candundum fa. (One note above la is always sung fa)"

Cadential Musica Ficta (false music) Patterns

(raised leading tone)





French Ars Nova

Machaut (1300-1377)

Douce dame jolie  (with text and translation)

Douce Dame - live performance

Ma fin music

Ma fin performance

Le Lay de la Fontaine performance

Le Lay music

Le Lay translation

Mass music K1

Mass music K2

Machaut Mass -I

Ars Subtilior (Subtle Art)

Later 14c

Ciconia - Prolation Canon

Le Ray au Soleyl MS

Translation and explanation

Italian Ars Noca (Trecento)

Giotto (Art)

Jacopo de Balogna

Fenice Fu Music

Fenice Fu Performance

Fierenze Madrigal + Piero Caccia + Landini Cara me Donne(0:00, 2:30, 5:45)



Gram Piant 1

Gram Piant 2

Gram Piant Music

Ecco la Primavera

Landini translations


The Renaissance - Map of Europe ca. 1500

Renaissance Art Slideshow

(First Generation - Burgundy)

Guillaume Du Fay (Dufay)

ca. 1397-1474

(First Generation - Burgundy)

Gilles Binchois

ca. 1400-1460

(Second Generation - Franco-Flemish)

Johannes Ockeghem


Ave Maris Stella

Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys (with instruments)

Adieu pdf

De Plus en Plus



Au Travail Suis Chanson



Adieu files to use for composing end:

Sibelius 5




John Dubstable - English 1st gen

Quam Pluchra est

O Rosa Bella (Maybe John Bedyngham instead)

O lovely rose
My sweet soul
Let me not die
In courtly love


Au Travail Suis Mass setting

Kyrie - Sanctus/Benedictus pdf

audio Kyrie - Sanctus

Missa Cuiusvis Toni (Mass in Any Mode)PDF

Dorian - Phrygian - Lydian

Missa Fors Seulement - Kyrie

PDF - (Low bass line)

Bonjour, bon mois pdf



Bon jour, bon mois

Missa L'Homme armé, for 4 voices

Missa Prolationum-Kyrie I


Third Generation (Franco-Flemish)

Josquin des Prez (1450-1521)

Ave Maris Stella chant

Ave Maris Stella-Agnus Dei

Ave Maris Stella-Sanctus

Miserere Mei Deus

Absalon Fili Mi

Absalon my son,
if only I had died instead of you, Absalon!
I shall live no more,
but go down to hell, weeping.


Secular songs audio

Mille Regretz

Mille Regretz - sib audio

(Sibelius 7 Sibelius 5)

Adieu mes Amours

Una Musque de Buscgaya

El Grillo

Guillaume se va Chaufer


Ave Maris Stella-Gloria

Mille Regretz - Scorch

Mille Regretz pdf

Adieu mes Amours Original notation

Una Musque de Buscgaya

El Grillo

Guillaume se va Chaufer

Old notation


Absalon Fili Mi

Text and Translation of O Magnum

Giovanni Paletrina


O Magnum (You Tube)

O Magnum (pdf)

William Byrd


O Magnum Mysterium (mp3)

O Magnum Mysterium (pdf)

3pt Kyre (no notation)

4pt Kyrie

5pt Kyrie

Tomas Luis Victoria


O Magnum (You Tube)

O Magnum (pdf)

16c Secular Song

Pastime with Good Company - PDF

Pastime with Good Company - Vocal

Pastime with Good Company - instrumental

• Claudin de Sermisy (ca. 1490–1562)

Now Is the Month of Maying

Now Is the Month of Maying (with notation)

Adieu, Sweet Amaryllis

Three Ravens

William Byrd - Lulla, lullaby (PDF)

Lute Song - What If I Never Speed (Dowland)

Flow, my tears by John Dowland

Dowland, Lachrimae or Seven Tears, for 5 viols & lute (1604) - I. Lachrimae antiquae


16c Instrumental Music

Piffaro 1 Piffaro Loud Band

Piffaro Shawms

Piffaro Krumhorns

Diego Ortiz (1510 - 1570) - Recercada Secunda - Crumhorns

Holbourne - The Fairie Round

Fairie Round (viols)

English Country Dance


Rufty Tufty

Dowland Lute solo Frog Gallaird

Wind Band

Closed Plucked Consort (Sean O)


Venice-Giovanni Gabrieli (1560-1609)

G.Gabrieli Sonata XIII (brass)

Canzon Septimi Toni a 8 - YouTube

Canzon Septimi Toni a 8 (pdf)

Music at St. Mark's Venice

Cornetto & Sackbut

O Magnum - G. Gabrieli (1)

O Magnum - G. Gabrieli (2)

Gabrieli (Sib) for Band (1)a 12

Gabrieli (Sib) for Band (2) O Magnum

Polychoral Splendour


The Seventeenth Century

Baroque Music Presentation: PDF HTML

Claudio Monteverdi 1567-1643
L'Orfeo 1607 Vespers 1610

Excerpt from 2009 Performance in Milan, Italy

Older YouTube Video

The Root of All Opera - NPR

  Score from 1615

Modern Score


YouTube video with period instruments

Vespro della Beata Vergine_ Domine ad adiuvandum a 6

Vespro della Beata Vergine_ Dixit Dominus a 6

Vespro della Beata Vergine_ Nigra sum a 1

Madrigal (Monteverdi)

Donna nel Mio - video performance

Donna nel Mio - pdf (with translation)

Carlo Gesualdo - Sesto libro di madrigali: XVII. Moro, lasso, al mio duolo


Figured Bass

YouTube Lesson

Figured Bass Exercise (Sib 5 file)

Frescobaldi 1583-1643


Purcell 1659-1695

Dido and Aeneas- Dido's Lament

Dido and Aeneas - Act I (Score)

A complete version of Henry Purcell's "Dido & Aeneas" (No. 3. The Witches) (Catherine Bott, Emma Kirkby, John Mark Ainsley, Julianne Baird...)


Musical Forms in the Baroque

Baroque Art

Buxtehude 1637-1707

Lutheran Organ Music Toccata in F Major

Vivaldi 1678-1741

Concerto for 2 violins and cello

Couperin 1668-1733

Pieces de Clavecin

Handel 1685-1759

Water Music

Music for the Royal Fireworks Overture

Messiah: For unto us a child is born

Telemann 1681-1767

Tafelmusik Pt. 1

G.P. Telemann Sonata in F major, complete; Gonzalo X. Ruiz, baroque oboe

G.Ph.Telemann - Trio Sonata in a minor for recorder, violin and basso continuo

J.S. Bach 1685-1750

Chorale from St. John Passion

Fugue Little Fugue in G Minor

Unaccompanied Cello Suite No.1-Prelude

Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 Movement 3



  • Updated assignments will have this color background...

  • All due the following Tuesday by 9:00am unless otherwise noted

  • Access online quizzes through Canvas (Assignments or Quizzes) and the others via email to me

  • Each week's assignments include chapter reading and then Chapter Quizzes and Listening Quizzes

What's left... (pdf)

Week 14 - December 10 --Exam meeting time: 12/19 at 10:30 - 12:30

  1. ALL chapters 1-17 should be complete! (Deadline for all submissions 12/13)
  2. Prepare research paper presentations

Week 13 - December 5 --- Due 12/10

  1. Ch. 16 France, England, Spain, the New World
    • Submit online quizzes
  2. Ch. 17 Italy and Germany
    • Submit online quizzes
  3. Research Paper due Friday, Dec. 13
    • (emailed to me by 9am - late papers will not be accepted!)
  4. All missing work deadline: Friday, Dec. 13

Week 12 - November 19 --- Due 12/3

  1. Research Paper outlines Due 12/3
  2. Ch. 14 Opera
    • Submit online quizzes
  3. Ch. 15 Chamber Music
    • Submit online quizzes

Week 11 - November 12 --- Due 11/19

  1. Research Paper outlines Due 12/3
    • 2 points deducted for every day late (email to me by 9am - be prepared to summarize for class - 1-2 minutes)
  2. Read P. 287
  3. Read Chapter 13 - New Styles in the 17th century
    • Submit online quizzes

Week 10 - November 5 --- Due November 12

  1. Chapter 11 - The Reformation
    • Do Chapter 11 quizzes
  2. Chapter 12 - The Rise of Instrumental Music
    • Do Chapter 12 quizzes
  3. • Create a timeline of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (900-1600)
    • Include:
      • Major forms/styles of music
      • Major musical developments
      • Major composers
      • Important Historical Events
  4. Study for test on the Renaissance (11/12)

What's left:

what's left

Week 9 - October 29 --- Due November 5

  1. Chapter 10 read and do quizzes

Week 8 - October 22 ---Due October 29

  1. Read and do quizzes for Chapter 9

Week 7 - October 17 --- Due October 22

  1. Read and do quizzes for Chapter 8

Week 6 - October 1 ---Due October 17!

  1. Study for test on Thursday, October 3.
  2. Choose Research Paper Topic
    • Be prepared to say a little about it in class
  3. Read Chapter 7 -Music and the Renaissance
    • Submit online quiz

Week 5 - Sept. 24 --- Due Oct. 1

  1. Missing assignments deadlines - Thursday 9/26 for compositions and 10/1 for everything else
  2. Read Chapter 6 - 14 century
    • Submit online quizzes
  3. Begin reviewing for major test on the Middle Ages (Antiquity - 1400)
    • Test is Thursday, October 3

Week 4 - Sept. 17 --- Due Sept. 24* and this Thursday for Flourid Organum

  1. Chapter 5 - 13 Century
    • Submit online quizzes
  2. Compose a "Flourid Organum" based on a section of your chant - *Due this Thursday
    • Be prepared to sing (or play) it while class sings and plays the chant phrase
    • Email to me as a notation file, mp3 and picture
  3. Compose either (choose one):
    1. Conductus - 2 equal voices in range and movement based on your chant (choose rhythmic mode) *or*
    2. Motet - Section of chant as “Cantus Firmus" - 2 other new lines totally different
      • Be prepared to sing/play or play them from a file (Due Tuesday)
      • Email to me

Week 3 - Sept. 10 --- Due Sept. 17

  1. Chapter 4 - Song and Dance
    • Complete quizzes
  2. Revise chants individually to have more melodic shape and feeling of mode (fix solmixation if necessary)
    • Email to me

Week 2 - Sept. 3-5 --- Due Sept. 10

  1. Chapter 2 - The First Millenium
    • Chapter Quiz (click on Quizzes in Canvas)
  2. Chapter 3 - Roman Litugy
    • Chapter Quiz and Listening Quizzes (click on Quizzes in Canvas)

Week 1 - August 27 --- Due Sept. 3

  • Chapter 1 - Music in Antiquity P. 3-21
    • Chapter Quiz and Listening Quizzes (click on Quizzes in Canvas)