
A Survey of Western Music and Culture

from 500-1750

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    Notation - #1 & 2

    Translation to Cantiga #1

    This first song of praise enumerates the seven joys of Holy Mary.
    From today i wish to sing only to the Lady in whom God wished to become incarnated to enable us to inherit eternal life.
    And i wish to begin recalling how she was greeted by Gabriel "Blessed Virgen, behold, you are now with child from God."
    And I wish to recall how she went to Bethlehem and gave birth to Jesus and placed him in a manger amongst animals.
    And I wish not to forget how the angels sang "Peace on earth" and how the three Kings came from foreign lands over seas to make their offering.
    I also wish to relate what Magdalen told her about the angel at the door of the tomb, who had said that Christ had resurrected.
    And I also wish to reveal the gladness she felt when she beheld her Son ascend to heaven within a cloud.
    I cannot fail to recount how both she and the apostles received the grace of God to enable them to preach.
    And, for God's sake, I must not remain silent about how she was crowned when her son chose to take her to heaven.

    Translation to A L'Entrada

    When the clear days come, eya
    To be joyful again, eya
    And to annoy the jealous ones, eya
    The queen wants to show
    That she's so amorous.
    Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
    Let us, let us,
    Dance together, together.

    She had a message sent everywhere, eya
    That as far as the sea, eya
    Let there be neither maiden nor young man, eya
    Who shall not come to dance,
    The joyous dance.
    Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
    Let us, let us,
    Dance together, together.

    The king comes, eya
    To disturb the dance, eya
    For he is very afraid, eya
    That someone will want to steal,
    The April Queen.
    Go away, go away, you jealous ones.
    Let us, let us,
    Dance together, together.

    But she wouldn't let him do it, eya
    For she needs not an old man, eya
    But a graceful young one, eya
    Who would well know how to comfort,
    The delightful lady.
    Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
    Let us, let us,
    Dance together, together.

    Whoever would see her dance, eya
    And her pretty body move, eya
    Could well say, in truth, eya
    That in all the world she has no equal,
    The joyous queen.
    Go away, go away, you jealous ones,
    Let us, let us,
    Dance together, together.

    Translation Cantiga #10 - Rosas de Rosas

    Rose of roses and flower of flowers,
    Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.
    Rose of beauty and fine appearance
    And flower of happiness and pleasure,
    lady of most merciful bearing,
    And Lord for relieving all woes and cares;
    Rose of roses and flower of flowers,
    Lady of ladies, Lord of lords. Rosa das rosas e Fror das frores,
    Dona das donas, Sennor das sennores.
    Such a Mistress everybody should love,
    For she can ward away any evil
    And she can pardon any sinner
    To create a better savor in this world.
    Rose of roses and flower of flowers,
    Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.
    We should love and serve her loyally,
    For she can guard us from falling;
    She makes us repent the errors
    That we have committed as sinners:
    Rose of roses and flower of flowers
    Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.
    This lady whom I acknowledge as my Master
    And whose troubadour I'd gladly be,
    If I could in any way possess her love,
    I'd give up all my other lovers.
    Rose of roses and flower of flowers,
    Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.

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