Week 13 12/3
Due 12/10 |
- Read Chapter 13
- Test on Thursday 12/12
- Self-reflection/Course summary/Professional goals paper
- Reflect on “where you are” educationally
- What you’ve learned ?
- Where you want to go” from here?
- What do you need to learn/improve?
- review “IME-class topics and assignments” pdf - in Google Drive and on Website - to jog your memory.
- Include what you've learned in other classes.
*ALL missing work submitted by Dec. 13
Week 12 19-21
Due 12/3 |
- Read Chapter 12
- Brainstorm a list of at least 5 interview questions. You will be on a hiring committee and interviewing 3 candidates. What would you ask them?
Week 11 11/12
Due 11/19 |
- Chapter 11 - Music Methodologies
- Write your professional resume
Week 10 11/5
Due 11/12 |
- Read Chapter 10 - HS
Answer questions 1, 2, 4, 5
What's left...
Week 9 10/31
Due 11/5 |
- Read Chapter Nine
- Answer Q’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Be prepared to show your revised timelines
Week 8 10/22
Due 10/29* |
- Read Chapter 8
- Include or add to you timelines:
- Orff
- Kodaly
- Dalcroze
- Feierabend
- Schedule and complete your observations and write ups
- Deadlines - Thursday, October 31
- Tuesday,December 3 (Tuesday after Thanksgiving)
- Prepare questions for Jo, Katy, Dana (about speeches or anything else)
*No class meeting on Tuesday, October 29...Meet at 11:30 and 4:00 on Thursday, October 31
Week 7 10/17
Due 10/22 |
- Read Chapter 7
- Create a Timeline of the Developments of the Profession
- From 1700’s to the Present
- Can be in any form you want (chart, presentation, narrative…)
by yourself or with partner
- Include important developments, people, pedagogies and methodologies with descriptions
- Be sure to include John Feierabend (First Steps and Conversational Solfege)
- Be prepared to present it
- Write a Unit Plan (use template) (on website and Google folder as .doc and .gdoc)
- Be prepared to present it
Week 6 10/3
*Due 10/17* |
Assignments (All due Thursday, October 17)
- 1 or 2 observations by October 17
- Write up/review of conference
- What you went to and what you thought about it
- Impressions of conference - pros and cons
- Suggestions for the future
- Write a Lesson Plan
- Any age group/class
- Be prepared to present it to the class
- Be sure to include methods of assessment - relate to Goals/Objectives w/How are you going to know if they learned it.
- Read Chapter 6 — Questions #1, 2, 3, 6
Week 5 9/24
Due 10/1 |
- Read Chapter 5
- Add to the Special Topics List
Week 4 9/17
Due 9/24 |
- Read Chapter 4
- Write a speech on the subject of “My Most Influential Teacher”
- 3-5 minutes
- Can count for “Oral Communications” credit if 5 minutes
- See Oral Communications rubric (on web)
- Think up “Special Topics” questions - at least 3 each (put initials next to each)
Week 3 9/12
Due 9/17 |
- Read Chapter 3 - Answer q’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
- Complete and Submit Philosophy paper (with def. of music, quote and belief statements on top)
- *Study for 3-5 (5-5) -7 quiz *Thursday, September 12*
Week 2 9/3-5
Due 9/10 |
- Read Chapter 2 - Answer Q’s 1,2,3
- Read additional articles on Resources page:
- Teaching Music
- Philosophical Foundations
- Prelude to Music Education
- Info and samples
- Steven's Personal Philosophy Statement
- Begin to write your first personal “Philosophy of Music Education”
- Start with a brief definition of “Music” (9/10)
- Find a relevant quote (9/10)
- Then begin with revised belief statements as bullets (9/10)
- Write about 2 pages (Times Roman, 12 point double spaced) (This is due in 2 weeks 9/17)
- Plan observations
- Make a list of the schools you want to visit with contact info (email and phone):
- K-4 General Music
- 5-8 General Music
- MS Band or Chorus
- HS Band or Chorus (opposite of MS)
Week 1 8/27
Due 9/3* |
Updated assignments will have this background color.
- Read Chapter 1
- Answer questions:1, 2, 3, 6
- Write 5 belief statements about music education (for instance):
- I believe that "Having and Valuing Esthetic Experiences is vital for Civilization, Community and Self"
- I believe in the John Dewey idea of "Learingn by Doing" and "Reflecting on what you've learned"
- Plan your observation visits
- Write a paragraph about why you want to be a music teacher (*Due Thursday 8/29) ❖Put in your Google folder and be prepared to read in class
a) Why do you want to teach
b) Why do you want to teach music
(1) Are a and b different?
(2) How are a and b different/similar
c) Is your vision of music teaching based on your school experience?
d) Couple strengths/weaknesses
e) Conclude with question for me or the group