psaltery Title
The Fyre and Lightning Consort

Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Sefardic, British Isles & original music!

The Fyre and Lightning Baroque Ensemble

Click HERE for Steven and Kathy's Camino presentation

The Fyre and Lightning Consort, founded in 1974, is a group of musicians living in Central Vermont dedicated to the study and performance of Medieval and Renaissance music. Throughout the past years, we have also become increasingly interested in traditional music of various types, including the music of the Sefardic Jews and traditional music of the British Isles, as well as arrangements and new compositions created especially for us by us.

We have a large collection of early instruments including recorders, flutes, whistles, krumhorn, cornamuse, cornetto, bagpipe, harp, lute, psaltery, vielle, violas da gamba and assorted percussion.

Throughout its long performing history Fyre and Lightning has delighted audiences of all ages and musical tastes with its lively and interesting approach. We offer a variety of performance options including full length concerts, lecture-demonstrations, special school programs and workshops for audiences of all ages.

Steven and Kathy are moving!
We will be doing one last "Farewell" Concert
Please join us:
Saturday, May 6, 2023 @ 7 pm
Plainfield Opera House

The program will include Medieval and traditional music of Galicia, music of the Flemish Renaissance, and music of Scotland and Ireland, including a number of tunes by the blind Irish harper Turlough O’Carolan.

Tickets are available online and at the door. Suggested donation is $20.

Tickets and information:

Steven Light: ~ 802.498.3173

Farewell concerts

Please consider coming to our other concerts:

The Nisht Geferlach Klezmer Band
Saturday, May 27, 2023 @ 7 pm
Unitarian Church of Montpelier

Gamelan Sulukala
Saturday, June 3, 2023 @ 7 pm
Goddard College Haybarn Theater

Gamelan poster
For the Klezmer Band: Seven Days Tickets
For Gamelan: Seven Days Tickets

Info: 802.498.3173 ~

During the summer of 2018 Kathy and Steven walked the Camino de Santiago, a thousand year old pilgrim trail across northern Spain - over 540 miles. We now offer a combined presentation/concert of our experiences along the way and medieval and traditional music.

Click HERE for more info.

Please click the links on the left to find out more about our various offerings and recordings (available as CD and on iTunes) and to contact us.



The Fyre and Lightning Duo
About Us

The Nisht Geferlach Klezmer Band

(our "other" group)


Gamelan Sulukala

(our other, other group)


Contact Us